Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bee Good to Yourself

Every now and then it's good to treat yourself. I think most of you would agree with that statement. I'm not saying you should go crazy every time you're in the mall, but sometimes it's okay to splurge and buy yourself a present. Especially if you've accomplished something, reached a goal, or just survived the week from hell. Base the extravagance-ness on the size of the accomplishment (and your budget).

Most of us keep a wish list of things we want. The next time you finish a major assignment at work or drop those extra pounds, go buy those Choos you've been eyeing since 1982. Buy yourself a birthday present or graduation gift - don't wait on someone else to do it. Celebrate yourself!

I personally have a thing for purses, so most of the time I choose to reward myself with a shiny, new bag. Take a look at some of my past gifts to myself...

Details: Adrienne Vittadini pink leather with pony hair - purchased with money from my first job, an internship the summer after I crossed (it's pink and green, of course!); Louis Vuitton Sonatine - purchased after recovering from my tonsillectomy (2 weeks recovery - it was serious!); Dooney & Burke Mambo - purchased after I finally finished my Masters degree (yay!)

But maybe you're not into purses. Other gift ideas:

sunglasses, shoes, a spa day, jewelry, a new cell phone.

So go ahead and reward your fabulous self...Heck, you deserve it!

Until next time,
Bee You. Bee Style!

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